The coolest teacher going

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Engagement Learning Activity

Here is an attempt to plan an activity that embraced learning engagement:

For an explanation on how engaged learning work click here

An activity that embraces the academic side of employment. Could role play the workplace? A workplace where the emphasis is on intranets and collaborating databases. Research
would need to be taken to find out what databases are available for late primary students or even if creating a group page on something like facebook would work (from what i have seen even though it is currently more popular with young adults than teens, late primary school students are using it and more will continue to use it.) It is risky but I guess research will determine a more viable option. I could just use hotmail... for the moment
I will use hotmail as an example.

This could be a week to term long activity. It could take up an integrated unit of work encompassing perhaps SOSE and English or Science. I could turn the library (wherever there are ample pc's with Internet access) into a mock research laboratory with props and interior design appropriately situated to give the activity that authentic feel.

(student profiling will determine whether i will let the students pick their own groups or I will designate the groups myself. If it comprises a Unit of Work, then the groups should be altered, therefore roles switched as well which could cause problems as students will gain a sense of ownership with their work. Seen as though this is the case, changing the groups around might be resisted)

1. each group is given an issue to research and ideas on websites for research.

2. each groups breaks off and determines what needs to be discovered about the issue. the group will delegate a
focus question for each group member. (relate principle 1)

3. perhaps each group will designate a type of moderator, a group leader... each group will respect a student more than others. I am attempting to balance inclusion and diversity here. Each group member is given a 'position title', the title can relate to what aspect they are researching. For example a group member might be researching for 'what are the consequences of such an action?', that student could be called the 'consequences person' perhaps. It will be
emphasised that the moderator/leader is of no more importance than each group member. It will be emphasised that a group is not a group when a member is missing. I think this is a good social practice for the students to see the diversity of some of the other students. It also
gives me as the learning manager the opportunity to witness some of the social dynamics the students engage in and how they relate to
eachother. (relate principle 2)

Depending on the issue, students will be provided with the opportunity to do physical research outside or within the school ground. I will use the example of the issue of plants as the research topic(i know a bland one, but one that's easily applied as an example), students can do the research and have a look around the school gardens perhaps or a local garden establishment, for instance a national park, to take photos and note findings.

4. Each group member will be seated at a computer and proceed to research their focus question. They will each send moderator their info they have found via email over the next few days (this activity might entail two 40-60 minute lessons a day as it is an integrated unit of work). The moderator will attempt to come up with a plan that informs the rest of the class what comprises this particular issue. This kind of work will give the students a sense of responsibility and can think they are actually part of a research team; a team 'researching cutting edge information that can help generations to come!' (Create principle). Students have to feel excited about participating in this activity for them to act out the desired outcomes.

5.The donate part of the engagement process will consist of group members working with the moderator after all research has been done.

The plan mentioned before could come in the form of a 'showand tell' presentation where each student stands in front of the class (or somewhere more ideal that stresses the relevance of the issue, going back to the plants topic, the students can offer the presentationoutside somewhere where there might be some particular plants that are associated with their research.

What are some issues or topics that could be employed for the students to research?
This is for around grade 6-7 perhaps.

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