The coolest teacher going

Sunday, March 21, 2010

Experience setting up a blog

I had set up the 'blog thing' approximately a week ago merely to keep up with the other GDLT students. I was concerned so I asked Scott (my lecturer) sometime ago about the 'RSS' (what the hell was an RSS?) and he gave me a cryptic answer (which is fair enough and consequential, it was an impulsive outburst of mine... apologies!) along the lines of: 'Be patient and all will be revealed' or something to that effect. I should have checked some of the other posting as this was already clarified. What I have just discovered is that my colleagues are just getting ahead with the weekly modules, hence why I feel a bit stupid now.

Prior to this class I have never desired or needed to acquire and maintain a blog. I have always thought them to be lame and used by those who have too much time on their hands. To some extent I still do. If it has purpose and enhances educational stimulation, then I can see the advantages of maintaining and following blogs. I will definitely embrace this form of Computer Mediated Communication and hopefully implement it into the classroom effectively. As to how I am going to do this, I am still unsure. By the end of this course, hopefully I know the answer to this anxiety.

I have been following other blogs for awhile now apparently. I watched the video on working an RSS feed and logged onto the Google Reader and I am already following a few blogs. So clicking on the funny little orange icon on so many of my colleagues' blogs wasn't a complete waste time!

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